Friday, April 26, 2013

Over the Hills and Far Away...


Going to try to get back in the habit of updating this thing more regularly!  Big news on this end; going to be transferring to a new school this coming Fall.  Been here a long time at my current post and am looking to forge new curriculum and relationships.  I currently teach high school and am going to be teaching junior high next year.  Will be teaching World History to 8th graders!  definitely a change.  It is exciting and scary; change always is.  However I am looking forward to challenging myself and my students.  The school is still under construction and I actually went to the construction site the other day; there is a lot to do.  The road to the school is not even paved yet!  The neat thing is that I will be teaching with some wonderful people who will be great influences on myself as a teacher.  Ready to walk through a new door and start a new chapter.